These 5 marketing technology stories were curated the week of Oct 29th, 2011. This week: impact of iOS5 on publishers, using email to drive WOM, and a double dose of social tactics.
Tag: twitter
5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed
Beyond earthquakes, hurricanes and Jobs’ stepping down, here are 5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed. 1. Twitter rolled out galleries [link] Recently twitter added the post picture feature to This week twitter users started seeing a image gallery show up as part of their profile. Perhaps a little worrisome for some users …
Crappy Twitter username? Take your brand back!
Obtaining a decent twitter username is becoming harder and harder as twitter grows in popularity. All the good names are gone right? As a result you may find that your brand being represented by less than stellar Twitter handle. Don’t despair. [warning]Put down the gun. We can get through this.[/warning] I’ve identified 7 elements …
Next up on #IMChat – Social influence measurement
– Please join me, Zach N. Hofer-Shall, Sarah Glass, Suresh Susara and David Deal this Tuesday, May 17th at 2:00 eastern for the next #IMChat. The topic will be social influence measurement. Here is Zach’s post on the event. – Details #IMChat is a weekly online chat focused on Interactive Marketing topics It’s every Tuesday …
If Facebook is vanilla ice cream, then Twitter is IPA beer
Jay Baer’s story Is Twitter Massively Overrated? put it in a way that finally made sense for me. If Facebook is vanilla ice cream, then Twitter is IPA beer. Of course I had heard the statistics Jay mentions but I hadn’t been able to put my finger on what the meaning was. Certainly Facebook has …