Tag: twitter

Friends don’t let friends give away my personal information

More and more apps are looking access a users Facebook account. I have no problem with that. An individual is responsible for deciding what level of privacy and sharing they are comfortable with.

4 Items for Brogan’s “Managing Social Presence”

Recently Chris Brogan did a post on Managing Social Presence where he ended the post by asking want others want in a presence management dashboard. I’m adding my list of wants to those offered by those in the comments to Chris’ post.

Cold Turkey: Day 2

This is day 2 of my Cold Turkey experiment. For one week I will only get my news from Twitter.  No NPR, no RSS feeds, no newspapers, no website (unless directed to via Twitter), no podcasts and no e-mail subscriptions. Sometimes its difficult to avoid the news. For example, while watching Tom Brady’s hair defeat …

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Cold Turkey: Day 1

Today is the first day I’m going Cold Turkey.  For one week I will only get my news from Twitter.  No NPR, no RSS feeds, No newspapers, no website (unless directed to via Twitter), no podcasts and no e-mail subscriptions. Here’s how the morning has gone so far… Didn’t have to get the news paper …

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is your klout score accurate?

Recently Augie Ray pointed out that us twitterati can update our klout score on their website.  This caught my attention because I had noticed that my klout score has not changed since it first appeared in my Hootsuite profile.  Recently I’ve been more active after a period of lower activity.  It seemed that my score …

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