Category: Technology

TREND: Small is the new Big

Omlet, a social networking app built on a foundation of privacy, highlights an increasing interest in privacy in social networking apps

Free Twitter Analytics from Followerwonk

Use Followerwonk to find specific persona types and analyze followers (or following). It provides excellent information in a easy to use interface.

Top 5 Social Marketing Tech Posts of 2013

This year I returned to writing original content. Here are my top posts by traffic. Thanks for reading. Best for the holidays and stay tuned in 2014.

Better Living Through Bluetooth

As a technology, Bluetooth is underused and under appreciated. I love bluetooth and you should too.

Use social automation to serve YOU (not your audience)

Use social automation to serve YOU (not your audience). Use tools like IFTTT, but don’t use automation tools to connect with people that follow you.

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