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IMS Day1 – Morning notes & take-aways

If you missed parts of the 2011 Inbound Marketing Summit here’s some of the best take-aways.     Youngme Moon on being different and standing out Embrace your negatives as part of your brand to stand out No one can tell you how to be different, you must have an idea for how to be …

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Use Rockstar LinkedIn profiles to promote the Band

Most think of LinkedIn as a way to promote yourself, but actually it’s a flexible tool that also allows you to promote your brand or company too. In this Double LP set (ahem – two post series), I’ll show how you can use LinkedIn “apps” and “sections” to do just that. So Let’s Rock it! …

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5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 9-10-11

Here are 5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed. 1. Only 1 in 10 smartphone users use a check in service like Foursquare / Gowalla [link] Interesting that 25% of Latino smartphone owners using geosocial services.  This matches up with their research showing that minorities use twitter more than whites.  Other Pew findings: only …

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How Zagat fits into Google’s mobile lifecycle

What’s behind Google’s acquisition of Zagat? I think its yet another piece in Google’s mobile lifecycle.

Push Big Ideas Out. Draw Audiences In.

Where does Digital & Traditional Marketing intersect? Probably one of the biggest areas of confusion for marketers working to understand digital marketing is “how does digital marketing fit in with traditional marketing?“  Actually the questions don’t come that way they sound more like: Do we need a Facebook page? Does social media mean we should …

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