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5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 11-12-11

These 5 marketing technology stories were curated the week ending Nov 12th, 2011.
This FREE BEER edition covers: what’s next in LBS, people love/hate brands on Social Media, privacy management (not as boring as it sounds)…oh yeah, and free beer.

Driving Business Value Through Social within Financial and Regulated Environments

#SMB25: Driving Business Value Through Social within Financial and Regulated Environments

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 11-5-11

These 5 marketing technology stories were curated the week ending Nov 5th, 2011.
Hot Topics this week:mobile app dev, GoMo, Mom’s rule and integrating email and social.

What did you miss? Location Based Services Wrap

During Oct 2011, focused on location based services and location based marketing.

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 10-29-11

These 5 marketing technology stories were curated the week of Oct 29th, 2011. This week: impact of iOS5 on publishers, using email to drive WOM, and a double dose of social tactics.

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