Tag: Leadership

How can Early Adopters drive change?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about innovation and the role of early adopters.  Survey after survey of exectutives describes “innovation” as a priorty for moving their business forward and providing value to their shareholders.  Yet instilling an innovative culture seems to be a difficult task.   A company is made of humans that will have some proclivity …

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What is a Marketing Technologist?

Recently I was having lunch with a colleague and we discussed “What is a Marketing Technologist?”  (Other topics: why are companies inventing this position?  What does a Marketing  Technologist do?  How does one land such a job?) What is a Marketing Technologist? Let’s start with some typical responsibilities of the position. Responsibilities: Evaluate new technologies as …

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BONUS POST: what can IT & Market do today?

In the first post in this series we considered what Marketing doesn’t know about IT. In the second post we looked at the flip side. In the third post we looked at the similarities between the two departments. In the final post we looked at why these two are bound at the hip. This is a BONUS post, what can IT & Marketing do together?

4 reasons why Marketing and IT need each other

Now in Marketing after 15 years of managing technology infrastructure I have gained insights into the similarities and differences between IT and Marketing. This is the last post in a series of four posts.

In the first post in this series we considered what Marketing doesn’t know about IT. In the second post we looked at the flip side. In the third post we looked at the similarities between the two departments. In the final post we’ll look at why these two are bound at the hip.

4 similarities between IT and Marketing

Now in Marketing after 15 years of managing technology infrastructure I have gained insights into the similarities and differences between IT and Marketing. This post is the third in a series of four posts.

In the first post in this series we considered what Marketing doesn’t know about IT. In the second post we looked at the flip side. In this post we’ll consider the similarities between IT & Marketing.

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