I’ve been thinking about Early Adopters lately. I think I’m an EA and reviewing the definition solidifies my thinking. I am generally aware of and interested in new technology, but not all types. I don’t care much about new technology in home theater, tools, sports gear, photography, etc. I pretty much just stick to computer …
Category: Technology
How can Early Adopters drive change?
Lately, I’ve been thinking about innovation and the role of early adopters. Survey after survey of exectutives describes “innovation” as a priorty for moving their business forward and providing value to their shareholders. Yet instilling an innovative culture seems to be a difficult task.  A company is made of humans that will have some proclivity …
Review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab
This is a review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab. My perspective is from that of a Android mobile enthusiast. I’m also reviewing the product as an enterprise device, not as a casual consumer so I did not pay special attention to the lifestyle aspects of playing music, reviewing pictures or it’s ereader capabilities.