Author's posts

Google+ Hits It Stride

Still ignoring Google+? It’s time for another look. Google+’s features and user experience have always been great. lately what’s really driving my interest is…well it’s better than the alternatives – the Twitter and Facebook social experience continues to degrade.

4 Reasons Why Wearable Computers Are OVERHYPED

The Wearable Computing technology trend is fascinating but immature. Those involved in the movement need to think past the technology and consider the real-world practical implications of how the tech impacts society. There are four main challenges to broader adoption of wearable computers: interoperability, stigma, etiquette and privacy.

Rudies All Around

Cold calling and blast emailing is rude. Is social selling the answer?

Living without Google Reader

On July 1st 2013, Google will shutter Reader. You can either move your feed to a similar RSS reader or adopt a news reader like one of these: Flipboard, Zite, Pulse or Currents. Read on for advice on what you should do.

Social Business By Design

Everything That Can Be Social, Will Be.
Although short, this was a usefel outline of what it takes to become a social business.

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