Tag: foursquare

May poll wrap: Location Based Services: Fad or Future

On Foursquare I have: 1,700 checkins, 41 badges and 11 mayorships.  I’ve met new friends using the app and I keep in touch with many other friends through viewing and commenting on their checkins.  Nonetheless it still feels like early days with LBS.  New applications continue to come to market, existing applications are adding checkin …

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4 Items for Brogan’s “Managing Social Presence”

Recently Chris Brogan did a post on Managing Social Presence where he ended the post by asking want others want in a presence management dashboard. I’m adding my list of wants to those offered by those in the comments to Chris’ post.

Foursquare Ping needs context

I’ve been evaluating Foursquare’s Ping feature that I recently uncovered in the Android release.  In this post I’ll describe Foursquare’s Ping, what I like and what I would change. Foursquare’s Ping The problem with most LBS apps is that checking in is a solo event.  Yes, you can notify friends of your location via the in app …

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The Social Media Anxiety Epidemic

In the past two months I’ve seen an anxeity at both technical and marketing conferences.  Many attendees share a similar affliction – Social Media Anxiety.  People fear that they are behind the social media curve.  They fear their competitors are ahead of them and that they are in “catch up” mode.  Conference dinner discussions continue to center on, …

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