Change Happens: Improv For An Unpredictable World

sxsw kitty

My first session of Day 1 was a fantastic dual panel on how improvisational skills can help one adapt to change. Amanda and Jordan Hirsh gave a fun presentation including pulling volunteers from the audience to put the skills into practice with short skits.

Tech Tips for Creating Content at SXSW

sxsw kitty

SXSW Interactive 2012 content strategy. Tips for blogging, photos and sharing.

Marketing vs. IT: How to end the Bloodshed

Bottom line up front: Rob Brosnaro and I would love it if you would vote on our South by Southwest panel submission.  Comment and vote here: http://reff2.me/sxswipanel Our panel is going after the friction between corporate Marketing and IT teams.  We will answer the following questions: What factors causing friction between IT & Marketing? What …

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Does social measurement drive douchebaggery?

Does social measurement drive douchbaggery? What if we took away all the social counters? How would online social behavior change if we didn’t know how many followers we had? Would people be nicer? Would be engage more earnestly?

@iamreff hat

I’m terrible with names. I’m immensely awesome with faces, but I will forget your name. *sorry*

To help me remember everyone I had a great conversation with I hat made with just my twitter handle on it and I asked folks that I had a meaningful, valuable connection with to sign the hat. So this is a big thank you to everyone that took the time to get to know me and let me get to know them.

Here are those that signed the reff hat, see you next year?

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