5 Tech Take-aways From SXSWi

I’m flying at 30,000 feet (thanks for the free wifi HP) thinking about my week in Austin. It was a week filled with meeting new people and forging deeper relationships with Boston’s social supa-stahs! It was a blast. It was a warm cocoon of acceptance where people can stand together in a crowd checking their smartphones, and not feel super-guilty for it (only slightly guilty). Also a big Texas “thank you” to the SXSWi veterans that took the noobs under their wings to make sure they had a good time and didn’t get lost (figuratively and literally).

Measuring Social Media – Let’s Get Serious

These are my notes, not a transcript of the 3/13/11 SXSWi session. Sorry if I got something wrong, feel free to let me know in the comments.

Content Rules #SXSWi

For their session CC Chapman and Ann Handley held an informal Q & A with a few hundred people on the topic of content. Here were the best questions and their associated answers.

Slaying the For Horsemen of the Social Media Apocalypse

Panel: Slaying the Four Horsemen of the Social Media Apocalypse
Jaime Punishill (@jpunishill) & Greg Matthews (@chimoose) did a great job leading

5 Must See SXSWi Sessions for Regulated Companies

My friend asked me what was good for financial firms at the South by Southwest Interactive conference. Ther are many interesting activities, but here are my top 5.

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