Change Happens: Improv For An Unpredictable World

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Change Happens: Improv For An Unpredictable World

My first session of Day 1 was a fantastic dual panel on how improvisational skills can help one adapt to change. Amanda and Jordan Hirsh gave a fun presentation including pulling volunteers from the audience to put the skills into practice with short skits.

Update: 3/15

You can listen to the session audio here.

Here are more Think Improv resources.

Social Tags

  • #improv4sll
  • @thinkimprov
  • @amanda_hirsh
  • @tfish77

The Bad News:

  • Life defies your expecations (the script in your head)
  • Going off script is hard
  • It’s easy to lose your way
  • Stress 🙁

[notice]The Challenge: how to adapt to change.[/notice]

Amanda & Jordan Hirsh

Amanda & Jordan Hirsh


The Good News: Improv Can Help You

  1. Expect the unexpected
  2. Adapt effectively to change
  3. Know your objective
  4. Lead & inspire

The Best News:

  • You are already improvising
  • You can learn to improvise better

How Improve can help you (in detail)

1. Expect The Unexpected

  • Reset your frame
  • Recognize you’re in an improv show
  • Proceed accordingly

2. Adapt to Change: “YES, AND”

  • Accept the reality of what’s happening (“YES”)
  • You don’t have to accept the outcome, just the circumstance
  • Build upon that reality (“AND”)
    • Attitudinal: something is happening AND I have other things in my life
    • Actionable: something is happening AND I’m going to take action
  • Resistance is futile

3. Know Your Objective

  • Circumstances may change…but your objective can remain the same
  • Find a new way to achieve your goal
  • “Hold on to your shit” Don’t forget your goals

4. Lead & Inspire

  • Bring “yes, and” to the party (or meeting room).
  • React quickly – trust yourself and others will trust you, too.


Photo Credit [sxsw]

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