Author's posts

March poll wrap: social influence measurement _IS_ an indicator of influence

Last month’s poll asked, “What is the best use of social influence measurement?” The results were as follows: Quick take on an individuals influence (44%) Track Marketing campaign efforts (22%) It’s completely without merit (22%) “First pass” metric used to discover potential influencers (12%) It’s early days on social influence measurement and the consisent thought …

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Marketing, It’s Time to Innovate

George Colony did a great job at the 2011 Forrester Marketing Forum describing what CEO’s want from their CMO.  I was really encouraged by his presentation, because it’s what I want too. George’s keynote presentation was titled, “5 Counterintuitive Things CEOs Want From CMOs” 1. Be a champion for innovation Don’t allow the innovation process …

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Where does group messaging fit in?

Okay, the last post was a lame attempt at an April Fools joke.  I don’t think group messaging (aka group texting) will replace email, but it is an interesting development. In thinking about how to use group messaging I created this diagram.  In order to know where group messaging fit in it was useful to map …

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April Poll: Is your Facebook account open to the public?

Do you limit your Facebook account to family and friends or is it open to the public?  Where do you draw the privacy line? [poll id=”5″] photo credit renjith krishnan @

Group Texting will replace email

[yes, this is an April Fools post] You heard it here first.  GROUP TEXTING WILL REPLACE EMAIL.  Technologies come and technologies go but Group Texting (aka Group Messaging) is here to stay.  Group texting makes sense for several reasons: People have overshared – Folks have connected to hundreds/thousands of people on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Instagram, …

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