Author's posts

Creating an Innovation System

Creating an Innovation System Recently I’ve written about how to create an innovative culture and how to make resources available for innovation by creating “on ramps“.  In this post I’m going to provide the keys for creating an Innovation System.  My innovation system has 4 components/processes: capturing ideas, evaluating them, communication and the underlying systems. …

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June Poll: Where do you fit in the Tech Adoption Curve?

Location based services such as Foursquare/Gowalla/Whrll/Places/SCVNGR continue their relatively slow adoption rate. Some see it as an important precursor to social shopping, yet some are worried about security or just don’t see why they should spend time with these apps.

Social Media Measurement #IMChat

[View the story “#IMChat wrap up: Social Media Measurement” on Storify]

May poll wrap: Location Based Services: Fad or Future

On Foursquare I have: 1,700 checkins, 41 badges and 11 mayorships.  I’ve met new friends using the app and I keep in touch with many other friends through viewing and commenting on their checkins.  Nonetheless it still feels like early days with LBS.  New applications continue to come to market, existing applications are adding checkin …

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Next up on #IMChat – Social influence measurement

– Please join me, Zach N. Hofer-Shall, Sarah Glass, Suresh Susara and David Deal this Tuesday, May 17th at 2:00 eastern for the next #IMChat.  The topic will be social influence measurement. Here is Zach’s post on the event. – Details #IMChat is a weekly online chat focused on Interactive Marketing topics It’s every Tuesday …

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