Stories This Week: How to get an App Store refund, Brands shuttering Facebook stores, iPad3 rumors, Flickr being madeover to look more “pinterest-y.”
This week’s stories: new apps for Facebook open graph, dead SOPA, Google includes social in SERP, paid search in B2B, and social ROI.
klout topics, Facebook subscribe, top B2B tactics, gamification and killer content (is hard).
Stories this week: Facebook phone, Winning with Animated GIFs, Cyber Monday, Comments 4x more valuable than Likes and Pintrest growth
These 5 marketing technology stories were curated the week ending Nov 12th, 2011. This FREE BEER edition covers: what’s next in LBS, people love/hate brands on Social Media, privacy management (not as boring as it sounds)…oh yeah, and free beer.
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