Tag: facebook

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 2-25-12

Stories This Week: How to get an App Store refund, Brands shuttering Facebook stores, iPad3 rumors, Flickr being madeover to look more “pinterest-y.”

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 1-21-12

This week’s stories: new apps for Facebook open graph, dead SOPA, Google includes social in SERP, paid search in B2B, and social ROI.

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 12-10-11

klout topics, Facebook subscribe, top B2B tactics, gamification and killer content (is hard).

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 11-26-11

Stories this week: Facebook phone, Winning with Animated GIFs, Cyber Monday, Comments 4x more valuable than Likes and Pintrest growth

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 11-12-11

These 5 marketing technology stories were curated the week ending Nov 12th, 2011.
This FREE BEER edition covers: what’s next in LBS, people love/hate brands on Social Media, privacy management (not as boring as it sounds)…oh yeah, and free beer.

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