Category: Topics

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 9-3-11

Too busy snacking on BBQ this Labor Day weekend to give a hoot about Marketing Technology? Enough of that! Here are 5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed. 1. Pound-for-pound, Pandora ads now worth more than radio [link] On a phone call with investors and analysts after the stock market closed on Thursday afternoon, Pandora …

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Sept Poll: What blogging platform do you use?

There are many, many options available to those that want to share an opinion ranging from free and simple to….well, inexpensive and involved.  I’m tracking some of the most popular platforms. If I missed the one you use please add it in the comments. – [poll id=”12″] image credit Salvatore Vuono

Download the new Swype beta for Android

One of the most coveted Android features is Swype.  Even dedicated iPhone users see me swype typing and marvel at “how did you do that?!” Lifehacker reported that a Swype upgrade is in beta release and available for download.  Register to download and install the beta here: –

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