Category: Technology

Making your corporate website relevant

Great presentation showing a logical progression (or options) of social integration with a corporate site. Making your Corporate Website Relevant View more presentations from Jeremiah Owyang.

Portal sourcing diagram

Lots of discussion on the cloud and open source (liferay), here’s how I’m seeing the tradeoffs this morning.  Please critique in your comments.

Tweeting/blogging from Gartner PCC

Just a heads up that I will be at Gartners Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit in lovely downtown Baltimore. You’re welcome to follow my tweets live. If the mood strikes, I may also ustream. If you’re there too let’s collaborate on a pint of beer.

iPad? More like iWont

The iPad has no new features but makes for a great ebook.

Apple “iPad” Tablet Killer App

Will Apple’s tablet killer app be consumer shopping apps?

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