Category: Technology

Social Media Measurement #IMChat

[View the story “#IMChat wrap up: Social Media Measurement” on Storify]

Create “On Ramps” For Innovation

innovation can be stifled when 100% of resources are allocated. Conflicts arise when new ideas must compete with resources that have already been allocated. Promises have already been made. Expectations are already set. These are difficult obstacles to overcome when trying to move innovations forward in this system. The only way innovations can move forward is either increasing available resources (which usually takes too long to be effective) or to delay in flight projects. This means breaking promises and resetting expectations. It’s not a comfortable process for anyone.

Early Adopters, Follow These 7 Steps To Create An Innovative Culture

How Early Adopters Can Foster Innovation? If you’ve read any of my PAID posts, you know that I’m a big fan of working for an established company; a company that values your contributions and provides an opportunity to grow. Working for an established company can be very rewarding, but it can be difficult for the …

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May Poll: Location Based services – Fad or Future?

Location based services such as Foursquare/Gowalla/Whrll/Places/SCVNGR continue their relatively slow adoption rate. Some see it as an important precursor to social shopping, yet some are worried about security or just don’t see why they should spend time with these apps.

Business Requirements friction

What are your best practices around business requirement gathering?

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