Category: Technology

Location Based Services Infographic Review

This Mashable infographic on location based services fascinates me in some respects: What’s surprising: 90% of LBS Early Adopters were using Facebook Places, yet Facebook down played LBS. It took Places off the market but reintroduced check-ins by integrating it into a social status. “Checking into <place> with <these guys>”. What’s not surprising: Early adopters …

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Oct Poll: What LBS check-in apps do you use?

There are so many check in apps that you can spend more time checking in to a restaurant than actually eating a meal.  I pretty much stick with Foursquare but I do use Facebook if I’m with “Facebook friends”.  I’m also interested in trying LevelUp. What LBS check-in apps do you use? Select all that …

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Focusing on location based services

I’m trying something new this month. I’m focusing all of my energy on one topic: Location Based Services (LBS).  In October, I’m looking to answer the fundamental questions about LBS. Such as: Questions about Location Based Services? What is the most important thing Marketers should know about LBS? What does it take to execute a …

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5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 10-1-11

Here are 5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed. This week: two devices, Google Analytics, Marketing statisticians and how B2B Marketers can garner additional resources. 1. iPhone 5 announcement next week On Tuesday Apple will announce their new iPhone(s). What makes the announcement so interesting is the secrecy and rumors surrounding the release. Check …

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Recapping Google+ and Facebook changes

Instead of doing the regular “5 stories you might have missed”, I’m focusing on the recent changes to Google+ and Facebook. There is just too much going on to ignore.  This update brings you up to speed on what happened in the last two weeks or so. Google+ may be at beginning of lifecycle, but …

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