[yes, this is an April Fools post] You heard it here first. GROUP TEXTING WILL REPLACE EMAIL. Technologies come and technologies go but Group Texting (aka Group Messaging) is here to stay. Group texting makes sense for several reasons: People have overshared – Folks have connected to hundreds/thousands of people on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Instagram, …
Category: Social Media
Does social measurement drive douchebaggery?
Does social measurement drive douchbaggery? What if we took away all the social counters? How would online social behavior change if we didn’t know how many followers we had? Would people be nicer? Would be engage more earnestly?
@iamreff hat
I’m terrible with names. I’m immensely awesome with faces, but I will forget your name. *sorry*
To help me remember everyone I had a great conversation with I hat made with just my twitter handle on it and I asked folks that I had a meaningful, valuable connection with to sign the hat. So this is a big thank you to everyone that took the time to get to know me and let me get to know them.
Here are those that signed the reff hat, see you next year?
5 Tech Take-aways From SXSWi
I’m flying at 30,000 feet (thanks for the free wifi HP) thinking about my week in Austin. It was a week filled with meeting new people and forging deeper relationships with Boston’s social supa-stahs! It was a blast. It was a warm cocoon of acceptance where people can stand together in a crowd checking their smartphones, and not feel super-guilty for it (only slightly guilty). Also a big Texas “thank you” to the SXSWi veterans that took the noobs under their wings to make sure they had a good time and didn’t get lost (figuratively and literally).