Category: Marketing

Social Customer Service Done Right

Below is a recount of how my afternoon was ruined and what Chobani did to address a quality issue. Note: there is no evidence that Chobani had anything to do with the product issue.  It’s quite possible that the product was not kept a consistent temperature during delivery.  Point is, Chobani recognized that they are …

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Customer Loyalty #IMChat Tweet Jam

[View the story “Customer Loyalty Tweet Jam” on Storify]

Social Media Measurement #IMChat

[View the story “#IMChat wrap up: Social Media Measurement” on Storify]

Next up on #IMChat – Social influence measurement

– Please join me, Zach N. Hofer-Shall, Sarah Glass, Suresh Susara and David Deal this Tuesday, May 17th at 2:00 eastern for the next #IMChat.  The topic will be social influence measurement. Here is Zach’s post on the event. – Details #IMChat is a weekly online chat focused on Interactive Marketing topics It’s every Tuesday …

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Interactive Marketing Tweet Jam #IMChat

[View the story “#IMChat log from May 10, 2011” on Storify]

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