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5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 6-30-12

Stories This Week: It’s all Google this week. So much news out of the I/O conf, i had to do dedicate all 5 stories to Google news.

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 6-23-12

Google+ opens API a smidge, Facebook settles sponsored stories suit, a Microsoft tablet!, LinkedIn targeting, behind the scenes at McDonalds. BONUS: Stuff you can do with your Instagram photos

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 6-16-12

Stories This Week: Beginners Guide to Social, amazing Civ II game, top content tactics, fewer Zynga players and Microsoft buys Yammer.

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 6-9-12

Stories This Week: Facebook for kids, augmented reality in print, social servicing expectations, shocking social stats and a new Foursquare

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 6-2-12

Stories This Week: Beating A/B testing, digital is more influential than direct sales, Meeker’s Internet 2012 Report, Evernote’s “Hello”, Foursquare app updating soon

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