My recent forays into the role of early adoptors on innovation uncovered a gem. In 1999 Tom Creed of St. John University entitled Confessions of an Eary Adopter.
Review these 7 steps, do you need an Innovation Intervention?
7 Symptoms of Early Adoption Syndrome
Symptom #1 – lack of impulse control in the presence of new technologies
Symptom #2 – being in denial about the psychic costs
Symptom #3 – inability to focus on important variables
Symptom #4 – anticipation inflates expectations beyond reason
Symptom #5 – Loss of objectivity, in the moment, everything you do is brilliant
Symptom #6 – The obession becomes a financial burden
Symptom #7 – You are more enthralled with the workings of the technology than what it actually accomplishes
Photo credit Pixomar @ freedigitalphotos.net