As we roll into 2016 I wondered what was on the minds of other Marketing Technologists?  I was curious what direction Marketing Technology would go in responding to: “what’s on your mind?.” Thank you to those that contributed their thoughts, you can click through to find and follow them on Twitter. Take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments.
Results summary
Participants responded in a few different ways. Some focused on the big picture and reflected on how Marketing Technology is impacting the technology landscape. Many shared the tactics they feel will drive results in 2016 and a few dared to make predictions. There was also an engaging discussion (#argument) over the rise of brand participation in Snapchat.
The Continued Rise of Marketing Technologists
Scott Brinker, Stacey Floyd and Matt Heinz weighed in on how Marketing Technologists will continue to advance as a profession. Not only will they rise in stature within the organization but they will become a highly prized asset, capable to driving business results.
2016 Marketing Technology Tactics
Several weighed in on specific Marketing Technology tactics worthy of consideration in 2016 including video, website optimization, integrated ecosystems and advanced personalization. Thanks to Bill Winterberg, Robert Clarke, Adam Cohen and Mayur Gupta – with the twofer – for contributing.
Allen Gannett stirred the pot by predicting brands would invest heavily in Snapchat. Mike Langford didn’t agree about SnapChat and offered that 2016 would be the year of iBeacon. Kyle Flaherty brought a sense of responsibility to the conversation by saying us Marketing Technologists know just enough to get everyone killed – or maybe just fired.
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