What did you miss? Location Based Services Wrap

Location Based Services Wrap

For the first time I focused my efforts on studying one specific Marketing Technology topic. During October nearly all posts were focused on “Location Based Services.”  This month I’ll be focusing my efforts on Movember and giving myself the freedom to write on any Marketing Technology topic. In December I’ll be focusing on blogging technology so stay tuned for that.

LBS questions for Marketers:

  1. What is the most important thing Marketers should know about LBS?
  2. What does it take to execute a LBS strategy correctly?
  3. What are the best practices for integrating LBS into a campaign?
  4. Examples of brands using LBS well?
  5. Daily deal sites vs LBS check-in – which is right for me?

Special thanks to the following for their special efforts and contributions:

In case you missed it, here are the LBS posts from October 2011:

  1. Oct Poll: What LBS check-in apps do you use? Top vote getters: Foursquare, Forecast and Untappd. My audience definitely skews towards  early adopter.

  2. Location Based Services Infographic Review

  3. Location Based Services – Every Move You Make

  4. Q&A with John Vajda of Untappd

  5. 12 Location Based Services news stories you don’t want to miss

  6. In Depth: LBS whitepaper from Mobile Marketing Association

  7. Q&A With The Authors of Location Based Marketing for Dummies

  8. Roamz: where LBS data comes to you

  9. In Depth: Location Based Services – Mobile Apps

  10. Bridging The Gap – Multi-channel Location Based Marketing

  11. Location Based Services Ecosystem | The Big Picture

Photo credit: Joe Logon

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