Uncovering The Science Behind Viral Marketing with David Skok
- Best business model is low cost of customer acquisition (COCA) and high lifetime value (LTV)
- The viral loop: customer sees your app –> tries it –> decides whether to share –> creates and invitation –> friend receives –> friend decides whether to look
- K = the Viral Coefficient
- k = # invites x conversion rate x
- [important]Shortening the cycle time has a far bigger effect than changing the Viral coefficient[/important]
- See full presentation here.
The basics of virality
- What is the viral hook – what makes people want to share content?
- Something very compelling that the user wants to share
- Something of value
- Applications
- Educational content
- Data
- Things of monetary value
- Something entertaining
- Humor
- Games
- News
- Inherently Viral Services
- Content or Product/Service
- Has to be a FREE product service, not cheap. FREE!
- Seeding
- The bigger your initial seeding the better
- Paid seeding – there are companies that provide such services
- Spread through Communications Networks
- Use reshare buttons
- What you want: low effort for user to share. social, email, etc…
- Refreshing and re-seeding
- Google Search: paid and organic
Why do people share?
- High arousal, Positive (awe)
- High arousal, Negative (anger)
- Low arousal, de-activating (sadness)
How to Optimize Virality
- Optimize your sales funnel
- Get inside your customers head
- what are they not doing what you want them to do?
- figure out what motivates them
- create a solution that entices them
- Look for ways to get your customers to tell their friends about you
- Hybrid viral = added some virality to your existing content; good not great, but better than nothing
Info at: http://forEntrepreneurs.com
The Future of Mobile Marketing
What is mobile marketing?
- Most intimate device ever invented. It knows more about you than any other device
- Develop mobile ads for mobile devices
- Information is very actionable, 30% of restaurant searches are done via mobile
- 70% of mobile searches lead to action within one hour
- URL has to go to a mobile landing page (otherwise you burned a prospect – perhaps for life)
- Examples of excellence
- Kendall Jackson wine – next tag has a QR code, URL and SMS: Offer is a pairing geo located to local tastes
- Use SMS, QR, Short codes AND URLs – different people use different tools
- Watermarking is the ability to see an invisible bar code
Developments In SEO: What Every Marketer Should Know with Dharmesh Shah
- 46% of daily searches are for products/services
- 70% of links in search are organic – not paid
- Best thing to do for SEO is create great content
- Goal: increase SEO to reduce your PPC
- Search and social together – social discussions are used to personalize search results (signals of quality)
- Search isn’t competitive game, you need to beat others, ergo your social efforts enhance your visibility (more than your competitors)
- Google+ will likely result higher in search results
- Another value of sharable results is that you can see which of your friends have shared the content (or not) drives higher click thru rate
- Google Panda update removed crap from search results
- If your marketing is broken, don’t automate it. TRANSFORM IT
- Forget b2b and focus on b2h(uman)
- [warning]Call to action: rethink how we market, even the touchier/feelier upgraded marketing[/warning]
Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard with author Dan Heath
[important]Change is hard[/important]
We have two brains
1 – rational conscious deliberate
2- emotional unconscious automatic
- Emotion is like an elephant, the elephant drives us
- There is a rider on the elephant
- For example, a diet is hard because the rider is barely in control of the elephant
3 part framework for change
1- Direct The Rider
- Analyzing problems comes naturally to us, analyzing success doesn’t
- Psychologists say: “Bad is stronger than good”
- Find the bright spots – obsess over success and figure out how to replicate it
- Information can be TBU – true but useless
- Instead, find what’s working today despite the obstacles and do more of that
2 – Motivate The Elephant
- Need to induce acceptance in those we want to accept the change
- We typically start by explaining the change
- Instead, speak to the emotional elephant
- Change comes from feeling
How do you convince colleagues to change?
- Spreadsheets don’t work. Tangible, evidence that people connect to does work
- How we think change works: analyze –> think –> change
- [important]How change actually works: see –> feel –> change[/important]
3 –Shape The Path
- Being specific with instructions significantly increases the likelihood of change
- Ultimate Example: Amazon’s Buy now with 1-click
- Have you 1-clickified what change you want to drive?
- Example: stand up meetings combat long meetings
- At work: remove obstacles and make change easy
- Make “yes” the path of least resistance