Tag: measurement

5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 10-15-11

Here are 5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed. A startup is out to kill captcha (yay!), iOS 5 can mung your iDevice and 3 other hot Marketing Technology stories. 1. Startup Replaces Captchas With Brand Messages for Better Web Advertising [link] Solve Media is working to turn captcha (what is captcha?) into advertising …

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5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 9-17-11

Here are 5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed. 1. Google releases Google+ API [link] Google+ finally published an API to allow applications to interface with it. MY TAKE: Although I work to post the right content to the right audience, applications like Hootsuite & Tweetdeck allow users to manage their social conversation with …

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