Tag: Android

Download the new Swype beta for Android

One of the most coveted Android features is Swype.  Even dedicated iPhone users see me swype typing and marvel at “how did you do that?!” Lifehacker reported that a Swype upgrade is in beta release and available for download.  Register to download and install the beta here: https://beta.swype.com. –

Review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab

This is a review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab. My perspective is from that of a Android mobile enthusiast. I’m also reviewing the product as an enterprise device, not as a casual consumer so I did not pay special attention to the lifestyle aspects of playing music, reviewing pictures or it’s ereader capabilities.

February poll: Will Android or IOS win?

Recent reports show Android catching up to Apple on mobile OS market share. I’ve also read that Verizon’s launch of the iPhone may hurt Android’s sales by as much as 15%. Given these dynamics, which mobile OS do you think will be leading the pack in one year’s time?

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