Where is @iamreff?

where is iamreff?

Here’s where to find me in 2016.  I’ll be updating this as the year develops but here’s my event attendance plan:

MFEA Joint Distribution & Digital SummitMutual Fund Education Alliance

March 9-10, 2016 | St Petersburg, FL

Otherwise known as MFEAJDDC (no, no it’s not) the Mutual Fund Education Alliance Joint Distribution & Digital Summit is THE PLACE TO BE if you’re a digital marketer in the asset management industry.  As a member of the Digital Council I’m privy to all the awesome content being planned. [details here]

MarTech Conference USA

March 21-22, 2016 | San Francisco, CA
Scott Brinker is a local Boston guy. I met with him back in 2010 when he was working on the Chief Marketing Technologist concept. Since then he’s been taking things to a whole new level and I’m very interested in attending my first MarTech Conference. [details here]



October 4–7, 2016 | San Francisco, CA

Never been. I hear it’s a bit zoo-y. I like zoo-y so I’m looking forward to it. I’ll be learning more about the Salesforce ecosystem especially in terms of Digital Marketing.

[details here]



Forrester B2B Conferenceforrester

October 18-19, 2016 | Miami, Fl

I’ve been a fan of Forrester Research for probably 10 years.  Last year I attended the Digital Business conference. This year I’m planning to attend the B2B conference which hopefully will be very relevant to my learning interests.

[details here]


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