Please join me, Zach N. Hofer-Shall, Sarah Glass, Suresh Susara and David Deal this Tuesday, May 17th at 2:00 eastern for the next #IMChat. The topic will be social influence measurement.
Here is Zach’s post on the event.
- #IMChat is a weekly online chat focused on Interactive Marketing topics
- It’s every Tuesday at 2:00 eastern
- To join, just go to Tweet Chat
We’ll be covering the following questions in the upcoming session.
- How do you define online “influence�
- What metrics do you use to calculate an individual’s influence?
- What challenges do you face with social influence measurement?
- What are your uses of knowing an individual’s social influence?
- What’s next in social influence measurement?
Please follow Suresh Susarla’s ettiquette rules during the chat.
photo credit renjith krishnan @ freedigitalphotos.net